Prediction league from

No prediction is made

The Huns
Who will win the match?
Final score of the selected team BO3
Most kills per match

No prediction is made

Who will win the match?
Final score of the selected team BO3
Most kills per match

No prediction is made
Who will win the match?
Final score of the selected team BO3
Most kills per match
Frequently asked questions
What is Premium Autopick?
Premium Autopick - a feature for Premium subscribers that automatically fills in predictions for unfilled matches. Your own predictions will not be changed. The system uses artificial intelligence and analysis of other players' bets for high accuracy of predictions.
What is a booster and how does it work?
The booster increases the number of points for the selected match:
- In the Play-in and Group stages, the booster gives x2 points.
- In the Play-off: quarterfinals - x3, semifinals - x4, finals - x5.
One booster is available in each round. It can be used for any match that has not yet started.How many points can you get for correct predictions?
For each correct prediction you can get:
- +3 points for guessing the winner of the match.
- +3 points for predicting the difference in rounds in BO1 or the exact score in BO3.
- +3 points for choosing the player with the most kills.
The maximum you can earn for one match is 9 points, not counting boosters.How many matches are available for predictions per day?
The number of matches depends on the IEM Katowice 2025 tournament schedule. All matches of each day will be available for predictions in the Predictor. The tournament grid and match schedule can be followed on the Pick'em page.