PREMIUM chellenges
Play predictor, complete Challenges, save up stars and exchange them for unlocking cases
Trade stars

Predictor Bronze

Predictor Silver

Predictor Gold
Frequently asked questions
Can I do the Challenges without a subscription?
No, the Challenges are only available to PREMIUM subscription holders. By subscribing, you will get access to the list of Challenges, for which you can earn stars. Accumulated stars can be exchanged for cases with guaranteed rewards. Subscription also provides many other benefits
What can you spend your earned stars on?
Stars can be used to open three different cases on the Challenges page. Please note: Stars are tied to the current tournament. They do not carry over to the next one, so spend them after the tournament is over, otherwise they will burn out
If I buy a subscription after the tournament starts, will my previous predicates count?
No, progress on Challenges starts only after PREMIUM subscription. Bets made before that do not count. To avoid missing out on rewards, we recommend subscribing in advance so you have more time to complete the Challenges
How much time do I have to complete the Challenges?
Challenges are active only within the current tournament. They can be completed until the end of the tournament, after which you will have time to spend stars to open reward cases. Stars do not carry over to the next tournament, so don't forget to use them in time!
What are the different types of Challenges?
Challenges are directly related to the predictor. Participants can earn stars for successful predictions: guessing the winner, the exact score, the player with the most kills, using boosters, making bets and performing other special tasks. A fixed number of stars will be awarded for each completed challenge.
How often are the Challenges updated?
Challenges are updated once per tournament. They are not changed or added during matches - the entire list of tasks and rewards is known in advance. This gives you the opportunity to plan your Challenges in advance and earn maximum stars